Email Breakdown #2

Robert Lucas
9 min readJan 12, 2021

Note: The first email breakdown was published in Chris Orzechowski’s Email of the Week series. Click here to read it.

Would you rather:

A) Get punched in the face by the strongest person in the world?

B) Get punched in the face by the SECOND strongest person in the world?

The truth is, it doesn’t matter. Either way, it’s gonna hurt.

Black eye. Busted lip. Missing teeth.

That’s how I feel about the second email in the Welcome Sequence.

I don’t mean that it’s going to cause you serious physical injury…

I mean that, while it’s not as strong as the first email in the sequence, it’s still good. It still gets the job done.

That said, just like the second strongest person in the world undoubtedly works out to become the first strongest person in the world…

There are a few things we can do with this second email to make it stronger too.

So, let’s look at what’s working with this email, as well as a few things I would test.

Subject: “Robert Here’s how to get the most out of”

Here’s what I like about this subject line:

1. It uses the reader’s name.

In How to Win Friends and Influence People, Dale Carnegie says that a person’s favorite word in any language is their own name.

It’s true. And this subject line capitalizes on that.

As long as you don’t overdo it, using a subscriber’s name in a subject line is a great way to catch their attention.

2. It offers a clear benefit to the reader.

Curiosity and Benefit are two of the most powerful forces in copywriting. They’re so powerful, in fact, that I refer to the combination as:


The only difference between CopyCrack and crack cocaine is — well, actually, there are a lot of differences. But the point is:

